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Monday, August 17, 2015

Crocodile Rockin' - Two book covers

I have said before that I sometimes do graphic work, usually for myself.  I find it enjoyable, and it allows me to pretend that I am an artist like the rest of my family.  If you check my books, you will see my work, since I design my book covers, myself.  ...Although the Crocodile story needs a cover that I can't design.  I think.  I'll try it shortly... or maybe I'll listen to my family: 
The Sea Witch by Frank Frazetta

Keep working on that and you'll mess it up and you'll never be be able to fix it!

Ordinarily I'd snort derisively, but Frank Frazetta tells a story about 'losing' the mean expression on the face of the central figure in his painting 'Sea Witch':

Of course, I could say that since my idea of a good time is not to stand in a gale with my clothes being pulled to pieces by the wind, with a giant iguana sneaking up behind me and a Kraken staring me in the eye between foaming waves, it isn't a big deal for me.Picture

At any rate, I've been working on covers, most recently for a friend whose book, A Kiss For Moet, magical realism and beautifully written, needed a cover  overhaul. 

She approached me, asked in the most flattering way, and of course I agreed.  It was a nice challenge, and I was pleased with the result.

She provided the images, specifically the island in the center.  She had picked the font for the story, and it was all right.    But then, out of the blue, she contacted me. with an offer: a beta-read of anything if I'd fiddle with her cover.

I have a terrible shyness when it comes to beta-reads.  I have a fear that someone will read something of mine and give the beta-reader's equivalent of 'PEE-You!' 

So I took a look at her cover, concluded that it didn't need much work, and went to town.  It had a semi-magical alligator in it (it's a nifty story) and I thought he needed a place on the cover.  She had a photograph of the island that is featured in it, and it's a very pretty shot.  The rest involved adjusting things, tightening the composition, deepening colors, arranging texts, and I was finally finished:

She was flatteringly complimentary, reiterated her offer of a beta-read, and went off to post the cover.

She does write well, and works with Magical Realism, among other genres.  I'd recommend reading it.  The cover isn't up yet (I just sent it to her this evening), but the book is very good.  You can get a copy on any Amazon store through this link.  She's also available through various stores including Barnes & Noble, and anywhere else that Smashwords services.

    I keep a record of my projects, and I uploaded the cover to my website, on the same page as another story (mine) involving a large crocodilian and what happens when he comes to the earth and seeks to return to the sky (if you read it, it'll make sense).  This one (the crocodilian, I mean) is more gentlemanly than her 'gator (but that will make sense if you read the story).  Still, there are similarities.

Maybe I'll send her the Crocodile for a beta-read?

...or maybe not.

It isn't finished yet, in any event.

*Sigh.  And I must start uploading my other books, all six of them, to the various other bookselling sites.

It should be a busy end of summer...

                                                                   'Night, all!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Karen. I love the covers for your books. They tend to draw you in...

  2. Nice job on the reptilian covers. Great minds must think alike.Her alligator looks sneaky and dangerous, but your croc has a certain majestic dragon-like quality. I'm looking forward to the story.
