So with this post.
I was setting the morning's fire in my wood stove. It heats
things very well, and the window gives me the pleasure of watching the fire.
Someone described a burning log as being the result of all the sunshine, stored
within the wood over years of growth, uncoiling and returning to the air.
Pretty thought. However it comes about, it is warming and beautiful.
I scooped out the ashes, set them in their bin, lifted an
eyebrow at some glowing embers safely inside the bin - and the thought hit me -
You Must Write A Post. And I remembered why. Here is my post, about having a
fire. The 'why' will be at the bottom of the post.
I have a wood-burning stove inset into my fireplace. I went
with this because while I enjoy fires in the winter, it occurred to me that I
could cut down fuel bills by burning 'smart' fires. So I bought an insert by a
company named Regency. I wish my fireplace looked as nice as this, but this is
the model:

That's my situation with a wood stove. I had an open
fireplace before that, with a number of important things. Whether you have a
wood stove or an open fireplace, the things I am going to list are very
important. This is what you need to have:
Something to screen the fire from the surrounding area.
Depending on what you're burning, bits of flaming material can fly out of the
fire and onto your floor with some pretty bad consequences. My wood stove has a
glass door. Some have metal doors. That's good. Just be careful not to come up
against them. They can become very hot.
What of an open fireplace? You need a screen. Here is one I like: It is mesh, so air can
circulate. (The insurance industry has things they call 'friendly fires' and
'unfriendly fires'. I have heard a lot of hilarity and annoyance about those
terms, but there is a chilling truth to them.
A fire, controlled and burning where it is supposed to be is
a thing of beauty, warming and comforting. Put that pile of flame in the middle
of your living room carpet and it is a dreadful danger. Screens will help keep
your fire 'friendly'.
Fires produce a lot of ashes. These need to be scooped out regularly. You will need to have, beside the fireplace a
receptacle for the ashes. You want
something that will hold the ashes, as well as any glowing embers you did not
happen to notice, and not go up in flames.
Galvanized steel works just fine.
You can get some prettier ones.
Here is a photo of a black ash can and sturdy shovel. I have the shovel, but a different (uglier)
can. I may get this one. This is listed on eBay. Do a search with this: Wood Stove Ash Bucket & Shovel Set.
Whatever you get, make sure there is a lid that will stay on
if, say, your toddler or your dog happens to knock it over. Ashes on carpet are hard to get out. Embers are worse.
You also must get your chimney cleaned annually.
But why am I posting this?
Last year, a house in a historic neighborhood burned down on
Christmas morning. Two grandparents and three
young children were killed. The mother
of the children was dragged from the house by her boyfriend. She survived.
The Fire Marshal completed his investigation and issued his report.
The cause of the fire?
A stupid mistake. Never mind who made it. When the cold fireplace was swept clear of ashes, the person performing
the task placed the cold ashes in a plastic bag in one of the rooms of the
house. As I saw this morning, dumping
the cold ashes into the steel bin, glowing embers can survive a long time. Sure enough there was one. I placed the lid
on the bin (smothers the ember) and remembered.
If you have a fireplace and are using it and not following
my advice, please read this post and take some steps. At the absolutely very least put in a hearth
apron and take your swept-out ashes outside and far from your house.
Do I sound bossy?
It's the Irish in me.
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